Moving On
Moving on
We understand that any transition point causes anxiety for some parents and children. This can be particularly concerning if your child has SEND. We aim to make all transitions as seamless as possible by ensuring that the receiving staff have as much knowledge and information as possible.
Moving into West End Primary School
The Early Years staff place emphasis on getting to know all the children coming into school. As part of this process staff visit the children in their previous settings, liaising with the Pre-school providers who already know the children well. They also offer home visits where they can talk to you in the comfort of the home.
They take these opportunities to meet the children and discuss any children with SEND, identifying any support that is already in place or may be needed in the future. Records are transferred up with the children and support continued where necessary.
During the child’s early days in school staff make observations and assessments, which act as a marker to measure progress against at a later date.
Moving on to High School
We believe it is very important to prepare all of our children for their transition to high school at the end of Year 6. Our Year 6 staff will work with the High School to provide a range of transition activities over the summer term, which all children take part in.
This is a challenging time for all children and their families, but we understand that it can be a particularly worrying time for children who need extra support or have additional needs and they may need a little extra transition support.
Enhanced transition
If your child has an Educational Health Care Plan, we start planning for transition in Year 5/6 depending on need. This means we start to meet with parents and carers, other professionals who may be involved and colleagues from high schools to talk about what particular provision needs to be made. These conversations are very useful as they ensure that parents, carers and children see what ongoing support will be available from a range of high schools. Then it is easier to make a decision about the most appropriate school for your child. It also helps high school colleagues plan ahead, so that appropriate support can be ready for your child when he or she arrives at the new school in Year 7.
If your child has a SEND, and enhanced transition is appropriate, we begin planning in Year 6. In agreement with your chosen high school we can arrange extra visits, throughout the summer term, for children we feel would benefit from more opportunities to experience what it is like. This may be working through the ‘Arfur Moe’ transition process with an appropriate adult. This supports them in the following:-
• finding ways around the building
• who to go to for help
• understanding the arrangements at meal times
• meeting new teachers
• specifically-tailored experiences.
Information sharing
When your child moves on to high school, we will make sure that all information about your child's needs is passed on to the appropriate staff at the new school. The Year 6 teachers also liaise with the high school staff to discuss the classes in general and individual children. The SENCOs hold a transition meeting during the summer term to discuss children who receive additional support and/or have a SEND. Information is also passed up in hard form and electronically to ensure that the transition is seamless as possible.