Meet the Governors
Our Governing Body is made up of twelve governors whose role is to act as a 'critical friend' to the school. Governors are appointed in a number of ways.
At West End Primary School the Governing Body is made up of two staff governors (the Headteacher and one other member appointed by the staff); three parent governors (appointed by the parents); six
co-opted governors (appointed by the governing body) and one local authority governor (appointed by Northumberland County Council).
For a register of attendance at meetings and a current register of governor interests please see the following pages.
Terms of office
Governors are appointed for a term of four years.
Parent governors are appointed by nomination and election by parents/carers of children currently attending the school. To be nominated as a parent governor the nominee must have a child attending the school at the time of the election. Parent governors may serve out their term of office even if their child has left the school.
Co-opted governors are appointed at the invitation of the Governing Body. Co-opted governors are interested parties who may be from the local community or businesses and who will be invited to serve on the Governing Body because of their experience or knowledge from beyond the world of education or because of their particular interest in the good of the school. Co-opted governors may be asked to continue in their role for a further term by the Governing Body.
Local authority governors are appointed by Northumberland County Council. Local authority governors may be invited to continue in their role for a further term by the Governing Body with the agreement of NCC.
Staff governors are appointed by nomination and election by the current staff of the school.
Please see below for the dates of terms of office for governors serving within the last year.
Governor Term of office Appointed by
Karl Green 31-3-22 to 31-3-26 Governing Body
Angela Markham-Lee 1-11-21 to 31-10-25 Governing Body
Rev Alan McGougan. 4-5-22 to 3-5-26 Governing Body
Joanna Dey Headteacher governor Staff
Graham Russell 23-3-21 to 22-3-25 Governing Body
Jamie Chapman 5-5-21 to 4-5-25 Parents
Morag Boyes 4-5-22 to 3-5-26 Governing Body/LA
Susan Campbell 22-3-23 to 21-3-27 Staff
Michelle Waters 22-3-23 to 21-3-27 Governing Body
Ashley Gillings 20.3.24 to 19.3.28 Parents
John Coulter 20.3.24 to 19.3.28 Parents
Vacancy - Co-opted Governor
Committee membership
Resources management: Karl Green, Rev Alan McGougan, Jamie Chapman, John Coulter, Angela Markham-Lee & Joanna Ward. Chair: Jamie Chapman,
Strategic direction: Graham Russell, Morag Boyes, Michelle Waters, Ashley Gillings, Susan Campbell & Joanna Ward. Chair: shared amongst the members each term.
Ms Morag Boyes
Associate governor (voting rights for committee not FGB), Strategic Direction Committee
Mrs Susan Campbell
Staff Governor, Strategic Direction Committee
Mr Jamie Chapman
Vice Chair, Parent Governor, Resource Management Committee, Safeguarding governor
Mr Karl Green
Co-Chair, Co-opted Governor, Resource Management Committee (Chair), Responsible for Finance
Mrs Angela Markham-Lee
Co-opted governor, Resource Management Committee (Clerk)
Rev Alan McGougan
Co- Chair, Co-opted governor, Resource Management Committee
Mr Graham Russell
Co-opted Governor, Strategic Direction Committee
Mrs Joanna Dey
Staff Governor (Headteacher), Strategic Direction Committee, Resource Management Committee
Mrs Michelle Waters
Associate Governor (voting rights for committee not FGB, Deputy Headteacher, Strategic Direction Committee
Mrs Ashley Gillings
Parent Governor, Strategic Direction Committee
Mr John Coulter
Parent Governor, Resource Management Committee